What's new in FairBot?
What's new in FairBot 4.46 vs 4.43?
- It now shows a vertical dashed red line on the Selection and Market Overview charts at a time when the market turned in-play.
- Fixed an issue with missing entries in log files.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
What's new in FairBot 4.43 vs 4.41?
- It now adds FairBot's version number, Betfair API mode, Bet Persistence, a Stream API warning to the event log file.
- Fixed the problem with applying a reduction factor to matched bets after a non-runner withdrawal.
- Fixed some issues with the Rule Editor window.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
What's new in FairBot 4.41 vs 4.4?
- Fixed some problems with matched bets on the ante-post races.
- Fixed the "Could not convert variant of type (Null) into type (Double)" error.
- Fixed the problem with missing "Live Stream Video" button on some horse racing events.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
What's new in FairBot 4.4 vs 4.31?
- Added an ability to watch live stream video for Horse Racing events.
- Added the Event Log feature. Now FairBot stores information about all Place/Update/Cancel bet(s) operations in a log file. See the Options, Log tab.
- It now also shows the "PLACED" outcome for closed markets (Place and Each-Way markets only).
- Added the "P/L" column to the Market Watch List. It shows actual profit/loss for closed markets based on matched bets.
- Added an ability to disable Greening Up buttons if any (or Greening Up) bets are being placed. This feature protects a user from double-clicking the Greening Up buttons. See the Options, Greening Up tab.
- Added the new "Confirm Cancel All" option at the bottom of the "My Bets" and "Trading Bets" tabs.
- Added an ability to change the font size for Tennis/Football Live Score panels. The options allow you to reduce the size of these panels add free a bit more space for the grid and ladder.
- Added the new "Independent Window" option to the Market Watch List. If turned off, it causes the Market Watch List window to minimise when a user minimises the main window.
- Now FairBot stores column widths for the Pending/Unmatched/Matched Bets sections.
- Added an ability to hide Client Id and Username from the status bar. See the Options, Appearance tab.
- Automation. Added the new "Market Football Fixed Score" condition. It allows you to determine the current score (if available) for football games.
- Automation. Added the new "Market Football Number of Goals" condition. It allows you to check the total number of goals for a football game. Useful on Over/Under markets.
- Automation. Added the new "Send E-mail" action. This action will enable strategies to send e-mails. It also supports various template variables to include into these e-mail messages.
- Automation. Added the new "Rule Number of Executions" condition. It allows you to check how many times the strategy executed another rule.
- Automation. Added the new "Dummy" action. It does nothing but allows you to implement a "timer" in conjunction with the "Rule Number of Executions" condition.
- Automation. Added the clipboard commands (Copy, Cut, Paste) for rules to the Strategy Editor. These commands allow you, e.g., to easily copy a rule from one strategy to another.
- Automation. Added the new "Play Sound" action. It allows you to play .wav sound files in your strategies.
- Automation. It now allows you to use existing bet's odds to specify prices for actions and conditions. See the "Unmatched Back Bet's Odds", "Unmatched Lay Bet's Odds", "Matched Back Bet's Odds" and "Matched Lay Bet's Odds" options in various actions and conditions.
- Automation. Added the "% of Bank" staking option to the place bet(s) actions. The option does not apply current exposure unlike the "% of Balance".
- Automation. Added the "minute" and "day" periods to the "Bets Per Period" (former "Bets Per Hour") condition.
- Automation. Added the new "Account Balance" condition.
- Various bug fixes and improvements.
What's new in FairBot 4.31 vs 4.3?
- Fixed the problem with BSP bets in Stream API mode.
- Fixed the problem with Asian Handicap markets in the Stream API mode.
- Fixed the problem with Warning Sounds in the Stream API mode.
- Some fixes and improvements to the Football Live Scores feature.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
What's new in FairBot 4.3 vs 4.2?
- Added the Betfair Stream API support. The new Stream API provides low latency access to the Betfair Exchange market data. Instead of requesting market data from Betfair on a regular basis in the API-NG mode, in the Stream API mode Betfair pushes market changes directly to FairBot. This technique allows the user to get more market updates per second (up to 50) than via the traditional API-NG mode. You can choose which API mode you require (API-NG or Stream API) in the Options window, on the Connection page.
- Football Live Scores. Now FairBot shows live scores for popular football matches. Please note that the information is provided "as is" and may be delayed or inaccurate.
- Added an ability to show betting error messages directly in the market view. Now a user doesn't have to click the OK button in order to close a message box to continue betting. This may save time when speed is critical.
- An ability to collapse parameters at the top of the main window to free some space for the market view.
- Automation. Added the new "Market Profit/Loss" condition. It can be useful to stop trading on a market when a certain profit/loss is reached.
- Automation. Added the new "Account P/L" condition. It is useful to stop strategy execution on all markets (where the strategy has been assigned) if a certain Profit/Loss is reached on a user's account.
- Automation. Improved the "Market Book %" condition. Now it allows a user to choose the price source (Back Odds, Lay Odds, LTP, etc) to calculate the book %.
- Automation. Added the new "Market Number of Non-Runners" condition.
- Automation. Added the new "Selection Relative Volume" condition. It allows you to compare the traded volume between 2 selections.
- Automation. Improved the "Green Up Selection" action. Now it allows you to choose a custom price (in addition to the "Available Price" and "The Most Profitable Price" options) for the greening up bet.
- Automation. Improved the "Selection Green Up P/L" condition. Now it also allows you to specify a custom price for the greening up profit/loss calculation.
- Automation. Added the "Unmatched BSP" option to the "Market Bet Count" and "Selection Bet Count" conditions to distinguish unmatched exchange and unmatched BSP bets.
- Automation. Added the new "Show Market" action which allows a user to show/switch to the market in the main window.
- Added an ability to log in for users from Sweden.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
What's new in FairBot 4.2 vs 4.14?
- Added an ability to hide the NET stake buttons in the ladder interface to free some room for other stake buttons.
- Added an ability to restrict time (period of time) when a market (added to the Market Watch List) is updated. This allows you to effectively utilize the limited number of data requests (20) per second to Betfair and refresh your markets exactly when you need this instead of updating all markets at the same time. This ability is very useful in conjunction with the Advanced Automation feature especially if there is a lot of markets in the Market Watch List. See the new options "Start/Stop refreshing a market" in the Market Watch List toolbar.
- An ability to hide the "Traded and Available" data in the Betfair Chart window to free room for the Betfair Chart.
- Improvements to the "Greening Up All" function. Added an ability to ignore impossible outcomes for the "Green Up All" button figure calculations on Correct Score football markets. This makes the "Green Up All" button figure more precise. For example, if the current match score is 1-0 then the 0-0, 0-1, 0-2, etc scores are impossible and are not involved in the "Green Up All" button figure calculations. See the Options window, Greening Up tab for the new settings.
- Added an ability to show the Volume % in the volume column of the Grid. See the new "Volume Data" option in the Settings window on the Grid page.
- Advanced Automation. Added the new "Selection Bets in Process" and "Market Bets in Process" conditions. These allow you to check if there are any bets currently being placed. Useful for in-play markets.
- Advanced Automation. The new "Selection Tennis Point" condition. It allows you to perform an action when a player wins a point.
- Advanced Automation. The new "Selection Tennis Serving" condition. It allows you to check which player is currently serving.
- Advanced Automation. The new "Selection Tennis Fixed Score" condition. Now it is possible to compare the current tennis score with a predefined score.
- Advanced Automation. The new "Selection Volume Percentage" condition. Now it is possible to compare selection traded volume percentage with a predefined value.
- Advanced Automation. Updated the "Market Book Value Percentage" condition. Now it allows you to calculate the Book Value percentage for part of a market. For example, you can calculate the Book Value % for 3 selections out of 7, etc. Very useful in conjunction with the Dutching action.
- Advanced Automation. The new "Market Race Distance" condition. It allows you to check the race distance. Available for Horse and Greyhound Racing Win markets.
- Advanced Automation. Added an ability to sort selections by Near/Far/Actual SP in the Dutching Action.
- Added an ability to move a market opened in a separate window back into the main window.
- Restored an ability to open the chart window by clicking the selection's name in the confirmation windows.
- Added the new "Cancel All Unmatched & Pending Bets in All Windows" shortcut.
- Improved the scaling for nonstandard DPI modes.
- Fixed a major memory leak in the Market Watch List.
- Some performance optimisation for markets with a large number of selections.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
What's new in FairBot 4.14 vs 4.12?
- Fixed the "[number] is not a valid integer value" problem.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
What's new in FairBot 4.12 vs 4.11?
- Fixed the problem with missing "Horse Racing - Todays Card", "Greyhound - Todays Card" and "Soccer - Fixtures" top level market menu items.
- Fixed the occasional "Unknown Protocol" problem when logging in.
- Fixed some problems when user places bets in-running.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
What's new in FairBot 4.11 vs 4.1?
- Added an ability to hide the Tennis Live Scores panel. See the "Show Tennis Live Score" option in the Settings window on the General tab.
- Added the Number of Runners/Outcomes column to the Market Watch List.
- Added an ability to copy the list of selected markets (in the Market Watch List) to the clipboard.
- Fixed the problem with missing buttons in non-standard DPI modes.
- Fixed the problem with FairBot Help. Now it is accessible from the FairBot.
- Fixed the problem with black toolbars on non-themed Windows.