What's new in FairBot?
What's new in FairBot 3.58 vs 3.57?
- Fixed the "Read timed out" problem on in-play markets.
What's new in FairBot 3.57 vs 3.56?
- Fixed the "Issuer certificate not found" problem on log in.
What's new in FairBot 3.56 vs 3.55?
- Some improvements in the place bet logic for "small" bets.
- Added an ability to search markets on the AUS exchange.
- Fixed the problem with missing markets in the Market Search menu.
- Fixed minor issue with stop losses in the Simulation mode.
- Other small fixes and improvements.
What's new in FairBot 3.55 vs 3.54?
- Fixed the "Certificate is self-signed" issue.
- Other small fixes and improvements.
What's new in FairBot 3.54 vs 3.53?
- Fixed the problem with missing markets in the "Horse Racing - Todays Card" menu.
- Fixed the "Access Violation" error on application exit if the "Market Watch List" is opened.
- Fixed minor issue with the Ladder width in non-standard DPI modes.
- Fixed occasional application freezing when user opens the "Dutching (Back)..." screen.
- Other small fixes and improvements.
What's new in FairBot 3.53 vs 3.52?
- Fixed the problem with incorrect commission calculation.
- Fixed occasional crash on application exit.
- Other small fixes and improvements.
What's new in FairBot 3.52 vs 3.5?
- Added an ability to sort Pending, Unmatched and Matched bet sections.
- Restored an ability to show "Virtual Prices" (former "Virtual Bets" option).
- Now FairBot shows the username in the status bar like it did in older versions.
- Fixes minor problem with month names in the Market Menu when run in a non-English system locale.
- Fixes the "Access Violation" error if the withdrawal time of a non-runner is unavailable.
- Fixes missing the "Weight" field value in the selection's popup hint on horse racing markets.
- Other small fixes and improvements.
What's new in FairBot 3.5 vs 3.4?
- Betfair API-NG support. Now FairBot is fully compatible with the new Betfair API-NG.
- Market Search feature. This allows you to search competitions and events by a part of a competition or event name. Just type a word to search for in the search field and hit Enter.
- Added an ability to repeat a trade on success. This allows you to automatically place the same trade a predefined number of times if the previous trade was closed successfully.
- Restored the Swap options in the Dutching and Back/Lay All screens.
- The Greening Up options have been moved to a separate top level page in the Options window.
- Fixed the "Min P/L" and "Max P/L" columns calculations in the Market Watch List for the Place markets.
- Now FairBot restores the last market menu scroll position if a user goes to an upper menu level.
- Now the market menu shows the same market path (where the user left it before switching to the My Markets menu) on return from the My Markets to the All Markets menu.
- Fixed the problem with missing “SSL” label for the single stop loss bets in the Pending Bets section. This label allows the user to distinguish stop loss and offset bets more easily.
- Various small fixes and improvements.
What's new in FairBot 3.4 vs 3.35?
- Added an ability to cancel unmatched and pending bets when the “Greening Up” or “Green Up All” functions are performed. See the Tools->Options...->Behaviour->Greening Up. Also the “Cancel Bets” option is available in the “Greening Up” and “Green Up All” confirmation screens.
- Added an ability to show Stake Buttons in the Grid interface. Click the “Settings...” button and turn the “Grid Stake Buttons” option on/off to show/hide the stake buttons in the Grid interface.
- Added an ability to hide your balance, this is very similar to the Betfair web site.
- Added an ability to clear “My Markets” list. See the “Clear” button at the bottom of the market menu.
- Added an ability to scroll the ladders, market menu, bet sections, grid and other lists by hovering above these lists and rotating the mouse wheel (if available).
- Fixed an occasional problem with horse's tooltip window that overlapped the selection chart window in the Grid interface.
- The Swap option (in the Dutching, Back/Lay All, etc. screens) has been replaced by the Offset option which allows you to set the odds by adding/subtracting a defined number of ticks to/from the current back or lay odds.
- Added support for non-standard DPI system settings. Now the GUI (Graphical User Interface) of FairBot zooms properly if you use the Medium or Large DPI setting on your operational system.
- Now FairBot shows the Bet Persistence field for Unmatched Bets in-running.
- Now FairBot automatically checks for updates and shows a corresponding notification if a new version of FairBot is available.
- Added the “Retry Time” option for the offset bets. This allows you to resubmit an offset bet to Betfair at a predefined period of time, if the previous attempt to submit it was unsuccessful.
- Fixes minor issues with Stop Losses in the Simulation Mode.
- Now it shows withdrawal times of non-runners (on the Rules page) in your local time zone.
- Now it shows market start time (on the Rules page) in your local time zone.
- Added some new shortcuts to place and cancel bets for 2-way markets. See Tools->Options...->Shortcuts.
- Some security improvements.
- Various small fixes and improvements.
What's new in FairBot 3.35 vs 3.31?
- Restored an ability to run multiple instances of FairBot. Please note that you have to change the "Maximum number of API Data Requests per second" option on the "Data Refresh" page in the Options window when you run multiple instances in order to avoid the Betfair Data Request Charges.
- Added the new Fast and Full Stochastic oscillators.
- Added an ability to change the font size of the text in the Ladder.
- Added an ability to change Cell Padding in the Ladder. This allows you to change the dimensions of the Ladder cells; for example, in order to fit a bigger odds range in the Ladder interface.
- The "Green Up All" button is on the Ladder now. Now you don't have to switch to the Grid interface to click the "Green Up All" button.
- Various small fixes and improvements.